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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

In Year 4 you will be taught by Mrs Harris  (4H), Mr Brennan (4CB) and Miss Barnett (4SB). You will be supported by Mrs Whitwood, Mrs Mazurkewicz and Mrs Harrington. 


Please look at the yearly overview to find out all of the exciting topics we will be learning about this year!




Collective Worship 4H- planned and delivered by the children

Debating the fall of the Benin Empire

Palmer College mini sports'day

4H design and make musical instruments to create high, low, loud and quiet sounds.

Easter Production

World Book Day

Exploring sound-4H made string telephones to explore how sound travels over distance.

Varjak Paw- We created freeze-frames to show how the character was feeling

Electrical circuits- 4H



In Science we have been learning about materials. We are looking at matter and how it forms in solids, liquids and gases.  Here we are investigating the properties of liquids. We are finding out if ALL liquids behave the same. 

4H investigate solids that act like liquids

Investigating liquids
