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What have we been learning about in school this week.....

Week beginning 19.06.17

This week we have taken part in a maths workshop outside investigating problems. We also had coaches from the West Ham United Federation in for a takeover day; we took part in a number of sports activities and then wrote a report of a goal being scored.

Week beginning 8.5.17

Week Beginning 1.5.17

This week we have been thinking about things from another person's perspective. This has involved role playing and freeze framing as characters from 'The Magic Finger' as well as writing diary entries from their perspectives.

We have thought about the story of Pentecost and how the disciples felt when the Holy Spirit appeared as a flame. 

We have continued with our observational drawing linked to science and have looked at Van Gogh's 'The Sunflowers' and tried to recreate it ourselves.

Week beginning 24th April 2017

This week we have been learning to observe objects closely when drawing them. We sketched some flowers, looking carefully at the detail.

Week beginning 24/4/17

Week beginning 17th April 2017

This week we invited parents and carers into the classroom for a Maths Workshop. It was lovely to see the children engaging in some maths activities with their parents/carers.

Week beginning 27/3/17

Week beginning 20.3.17

Week Beginning 6th February 2017


This week began with a meeting with parents to discuss how we teach phonics to children in year one. We shared our methods via a PowerPoint presentation, followed by time in class with the children.

Week Beginning 20th February 2017

This week we have been thinking about what happens at a Holy Communion. We wrote some questions to ask someone who has had their first Holy Communion so that we could have a better understanding. We had a visitor called Amy who came and answered our questions. We now know how it feels to have your first Holy Communion and what happens. Thank you Amy. 


In Numeracy we have also been learning to count in 2's, 5's and 10's. We have linked it to multiplication and the times tables.


In Literacy we have been thinking about ways to help the world. 



Week beginning 27th February 2016

This week we celebrated World Book Day. The children came in dressed as a character from their favourite story.


In Maths this week, we have been learning about division. We had to make sure that each group was equal. 
