Week 13
Please look at the assembly presentation for this week. You may need to download the video to prevent any buffering etc.
Science - understanding food chains.
Look at the presentation, then complete the food chain challenge tasks using the picture sort cards to help you do so. Record down any food chains you produce or you can photograph/scan the food chain examples. The video link for the presentation is below if the PowerPoint does not link you up. When you have finished, you can create your own food chains. For variety, consider using different animals, eg, instead of just using 'sharks' as a predator (carnivore) example, you could narrow down to a type, eg Great White, tiger, basking, whale shark or whales - orca, blue whale, humpback etc.
You might like to do some research to find some unusual plants or animals from different countries around the world that you could create food chains with too.
RE1 - 3
Watch the video for One world, One day . Look at the presentations 1 - 3 and complete the tasks on them.
(NB. Presentations 2 and 3 are short and you do not need to watch the video again unless you wish to)
Final egg results from last week's investigation
Have a look at the final egg photographs. Which liquid had the worst affect on the eggs? Now complete your final record for last week's work and make your conclusions as to what these liquids could do to your teeth in the long run and why it is important to brush your teeth!