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Welcome to Reception


The Reception teachers are Mrs Brind (RB), Miss Paul (RP) and Miss Levett (RL)


The Teaching and Learning Assistants are: Mrs Sutiene, Mrs Jachym and Mrs Ashdown


We can be contacted on our school email:

What have we been up to this week?

What we will be learning - week beginning 3.7.23

We will remind ourselves about how we walk around the school as we to go into the hall for lunch, Assembly, Hymn Practice and Liturgy.  The children will have opportunities to develop their physical skills by using a variety of equipment such as the climbing frame, bikes, bats and balls, balancing equipment, mud kitchen and building tools. They will use their speaking and listening skills within the home corners and outdoors in the playground, sharing stories with the other children and adults. The children will also have opportunities to be creative and use their imagination with play equipment. 

Please be reminded that at 2.45pm every Thursday, you are invited into class to read a story with your child. 


Please note that children should come into school wearing their PE kit EVERY Tuesday. 

 This should comprise of red shorts, blue t-shirt and black plimsolls/trainers. Alternatively, they can wear a dark tracksuit (navy, black or dark grey) or buy the school tracksuit with the logo.


This week, we will be learning the following: 
PSHE and RE (RSE): 

In RE, we will continue exploring our topic 'Our World'. The children will be exploring what they consider to be their special places in the world.

In Journey in Love, we will be considering ways that we are unique. 



Our book this week is Commotion in the Ocean. The children will be writing about the different sea creatures in the book. The children should be using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in their sentences. Please research information about various sea creatures and practise writing sentences about them with your child/ren. They should also be able to re-read what they have written in order to ensure that it makes sense. The children should also be using 'and' or 'because' to join two sentences together as well as describing the sea creatures. 


Reading/Phonics: The children will be consolidating their knowledge of set 2 sounds, please practice with your children at home. You can access these sounds on the Oxford Owl Website and also on Youtube - RWI set 2 sounds. Please make sure your child is bringing in their reading books and phonics books daily. The children should be recognising set 2 sounds ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, air, or, ar, ir, oy, ou in words and should be writing words with these sounds. The children should also be practising reading and writing the words sent home last week on Evidence Me. 

We also strongly urge you to regularly access Bug Club and Oxford Owls to reinforce what the children have been learning. Please send us a video of your child reading.

Please practise reading and spelling the following words: 





















Expressive Arts and Design: 

We will be using paper plates to create sea creatures. They will be joining different materials together to create an ocean scene and talking about the different textures. 


This week we will be continuing to focus on investigating number bonds for numbers up to 10. This will include subtraction facts. Please help your child to rapidly recall these number bonds. The children must know these to be Year 1 ready. 

Physical Development: We will be showing our strength using the play equipment and bikes. We will also practise/learn how to travel in different ways. We will be using playdough to build up strength in our fingers and arms. We will also use a variety of equipment to play games with our friends. We will be using a range of different equipment. In PE, we will be trying to move more fluently.  

Knowledge and Understanding of the World: 

We will be learning to sort objects into groups. We will also think about the effect of pollution on sea animals. 

