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~ Welcome to Reception ~ 


Your Teachers are: Miss Paul (RP, Year Group Leader), Miss Levett (RL) and Mrs Coppin and Mrs Lee (RC). We are supported by Mrs Ashdown, Miss Kaur, Mrs Watras. Our HLTA and further support is Mrs Davies.

Expectations for Reception

Reading with/to your child every day is very important in impacting their understanding, imagination, creativity and learning across all subjects. Please make sure you sign your child's reading record every time you read with them or they read with you. If you read at least 5 times a week your child will have their reading star displayed on their class window. Your child will receive a phonics book and a book for pleasure, please ensure that these are in their book bags on their book day so that we can change their books weekly. 

The class teacher will upload observations of your child on Evidence Me, you are able to comment on these and add your own 'wow' moments from home. Please check Evidence Me for any homework or class updates. 

Please also ensure that you are accessing Bug Club and Oxford Owl. You have received a letter with your child's username, password and school code. 

If you haven't already signed up to Arbor, you can scan the QR code sent in your starter pack or displayed on the office door. 

PE is on Fridays and your child should come to school in their PE kits. 


Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Paul, Mrs Coppin, Miss Levett and Mrs Lee

~Spring 1 Learning Focus~



Our phonics scheme is Read Write Inc Phonics (RWI) and we are learning our set 1 sounds. Children have now been set into groups, allowing the staff to focus on the phonics and writing skills the individual child requires.  You can watch videos and access books set on Oxford Owl and can support your child at home by practicing their sounds and blending with them. They will also be sent home with a phonics book to practice with. Please make sure that these are kept in their book bags daily. 



Children will be continuing with letter formation and will start to write CVC words independently. Once children are confident with decoding CVC words to write, they will start to write simple phrases and sentences using their own ideas. Children still need to write their names, so please continue practicing this at home. 


Understanding the World

People, culture and communities: Children will learn about similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in this country.

Natural world: Children will know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class.



This term our Topics will be:

Celebrating - How we celebrate different events as a Parish family.

Gathering - How the Parish family gathers together to celebrate the Eucharist.  


Physical Development

We will be exploring how we move around a space ie: under, over, around and through. Jumping and climbing and moving with ease. 



We will be exploring numbers up to 8and looking at length, height, mass, capacity and time. 


Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)

We will be making simple collages using paper, pasta and beans. In Music, we will be exploring the sounds of different instruments and learning to talk about how the music makes us feel. 


Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

We are continuing to work on how to manage our emotions using the Zones of Regulation and a lot of the books we will be reading this term will help to support us in this - we will look at the Good Samaritan as a role model to us. We will also be learning about how to stay safe both inside and outside. 


The Zones of Regulation
