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Welcome to Reception


The Reception teachers are Mrs Brind (RB), Mrs Nyabunze (RC) and Mr Heydon (RH)


The teaching assistants are: Mrs Cantwell, Mrs Lochowska, Mrs Jachym and Mrs Ashdown


We can be contacted on our school email:

What have we been up to this week? Week Beginning 27th June 2022

PSHE and RE: We continued our new topic 'Our Wonderful World'. We listened to The Creation Story, thinking about all the wonderful things that God has created.

Writing: We read 'Shark in the Park' by Nick Sharratt. We acted out the story, created some stick puppets and retold the story, and then wrote about the story. 

Maths: We continued to work on our doubling and halving skills. We used dominoes to find doubles and to practise recalling doubles facts. Reception also did work on remembering our number bonds to 5 and 10 without the need of physical resources to support us. Please continue this at home.

Expressive Arts and Design: We created stick puppets and painted our own ideal park. 

Physical Development: We continued to progress towards a more fluent style of moving, with developing control.

Please click the star below to view this weeks photos:

What we will be learning - week beginning 11th July 2022

We will remind ourselves of the class rules and think about how we must be kind to ourselves and each other as we start the the half term of Reception. The children will have opportunities to develop their physical skills by using a variety of equipment such as the climbing frame, bikes, bats and balls, balancing equipment and building tools. They will use their speaking and listening skills within the home corners and outdoors in the playground, sharing stories with the other children and adults. The children will also have opportunities to be creative and use their imagination with play equipment. 

This week, we will be learning the following: 
PSHE and RE: We will be continuing our topic on 'Our Wonderful World', thinking about what makes our world amazing and wonderful. Please discuss this with your child.

Writing: We will be reading 'The Hungry Caterpillar' and talking about similarities with our previous books. Please share the story with your child

We will also be reading and writing the following words: was, the, my, no, you, we, there, said, some, once, because, friend, could, what, when, want, went, our, are, Please practise these words at home. 

Reading/Phonics: The children are now working in RWI phonics groups. The children will continue learning to recognise and correctly record all the sounds they have been learning; z, ch, qu, x, and ng, m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, r, sh, l, h, j, v, y, w, th, nk, ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, or, ar, as well as blend them in words and segmenting as they read and write simple sentences. (Please refer to the handwriting rhymes when encouraging your child to write the sounds). Please regularly practise recognising and recording the sounds with your child and encourage them to start using some of the words they have learnt in simple sentences, e.g. 'A big box'.

We also strongly urge you to regularly access Bug Club and Oxford Owls to reinforce what the children have been learning. Please send us a video of your child reading.

Maths: We will be learning to recall the days of the week in the correct order. Please practice this at home.

Expressive Arts and Design: We will be linking lots of different art techniques to 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. This will allow us to refine the artistic skills we have been developing lately and build upon our artistic skills. Physical Development: We will be progressing towards a more fluent style of moving, with developing control, whilst getting ready for Sports day.

Please encourage your child to practise this at home.
