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Today we followed a recipe to make a sandwich/wrap.

We love finding new ways to learn. Today we used headphones to learn about plants!

Treasure hunt game

Practising cross stitching in DT

Measuring objects around the classroom

Dark is the absence of the light experiment in Science

Creating a sprite in Scratch

Balancing in Gymnastics

Into the Forest debate.

Following algorithms

Today we started our new topic in PE, 'hockey'. We learned how to control and move the ball.

Our pneumatic models we made in DT

More circuit training! We were very tired after lots of exercise!

We are cheering for you England!

Today we decomposed laptops! Adults, maybe you can question your child on the different parts of a computer?

Using Multi-link to help us with arrays.

Today we started our new topic in Computing called 'Journey Inside a Computer'.

Here we are reading the story John the Baptist.

Today we started circuit training in PE

We started our new topic in Science today called 'Rocks'. We classified rocks by shape, size and colour.

Today we matched adverbial phrases to main clauses to create interesting sentences!

Today we played a game to help us with our past, present and future tense.

We loved our PE lesson today!

Today we investigated which surface would cause the most friction.

This week in Science we investigated which metals are magnetic and non-magnetic

Today we played the Glockenspiel to the song 'Let your Spirit Fly'.

In PSHE today we were discussing emotions and a variety of scenarios that could cause those emotions.

In science today we explored magnetic poles. We learned that North is red and South is blue. We also learned that south and south will repel, north and north will repel and north and south will attract. This happens because of a force.

Today we played a conjunctions game! We landed on a conjunction and then had to write a sentence using that conjunction.

Our science investigation this week was 'Will the biggest magnet be the strongest?'.

As part of our English lesson today, we used dictionaries to find definitions of different powerful verbs.

Today we organised these pictures into different categories. Some children chose; earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains whereas other children chose just earthquakes and mountains.

Using base 1s, 10s and 100s are a great way to help us with Place Value!

We practiced different forms of jumping today, including star jumps, pencil jumps and tuck jumps.

Today in PE we had to choreograph a dance that represents the 4 stages of a volcano. 1) Resting/dormant volcano 2) a volcano beginning to erupt 2) a huge explosion 4)Lava flowing down from the volcano

Today in PSHE we were sorting different scenarios into 'good feelings' and 'bad feelings'. We had scenarios such as: pizza day, somebody that is lonely and a hug from your friend.

Today we investigated which materials were magnetic and which materials were non-magnetic. We discovered that a table leg, pencil sharpener, a 2p coin and a paper clip are magnetic, whereas a button, sequin, rubber and pencil are non-magnetic!
