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Year 4

~ Welcome to Year 4 ~ 


Your Teachers are Mr Boulden (4C, Year Group Leader), Miss Nixon (4N) and Miss Newton (4JN).

We are supported by Mrs Cook (HLTA)


Home Learning

Your child must read for at least 10 minutes each day, 5 times per week, this is expected as part of your child's homework. It is important to support your child with daily reading as this has a huge impact on their understanding, imagination, creativity and learning across all subjects. In Year 4, it is important to complete a mixture of independent reading, reading with an adult and for your child to independently record their opinions about the book in their Reading Record. Children have Bug Club accounts that they can use to read books and answer questions to demonstrate their comprehension. Reading records will be checked in school every Monday. 


Children in Year 4 are expected to know all of their times tables and related division facts. Each week, we will focus on different times tables. It is part of your child's homework that they learn these at home. TT Rockstars can be used to practise, all children have accounts. They should be completing 10 minutes of TT Rockstars times table practice every day, 5 days a week. Teachers can see how often each child has used this resource and will set relevant work according to fluency. Times tables will be tested in school each Friday. 


Spelling and Maths homework is set on Google Classroom. The children have words to learn, they should know the meaning of the words too. Children should write each spelling word in a sentence and submit this on Google Classroom. Spellings will be tested in school each Monday. 


If there are any problems with accessing or completing the online homework, please speak to your child's teacher as soon as possible. 


Thank you for your continued support!


The Year 4 Team

~ Our Weekly Learning Focus ~

Week beginning: 12th June 2023

English: This week, we are continuing our work focusing on the text of 'Secrets of a Sun King', which links to our History topic of Ancient Egypt. We will be focusing our learning on:

- Grammar lesson - Using conjunctions to create compound and complex sentences.

- Grammar lesson - Using inverted commas for direct speech

- Planning our writing focusing on Chapters 5 and 6.

- Writing a narrative for the part of the story we are up to, using a variety of writing skills, including: varied sentences, description (e.g. expanded noun phrases, similes, metaphors and personification), expected punctuation, fronted adverbials and other Year 4 writing skills and techniques. 


Supportive links:

Compound and Complex Sentences-

Inverted commas for direct speech -


Reading: We will be focusing on looking at a range of reading skills, using Chapters 2 to 4 of Secrets of a Sun King. The children will be using their knowledge and skills to answer a range of questions.  


Maths: This week, we are continuing our focus being on:

- LO: To develop our recall of times tables (MTC focused)

- L.O: I can identify angles. 

- L.O: I can compare and order angles.


As well as our maths lessons, the children will also be undertaking the MTC this week, focusing on assessing their recall of multiplication facts up to the 12x tables. A letter has been sent home explaining this, but please feel free to come and speak to one of the staff if you have any questions or queries.


RE: We will be continuing our theme of 'Building Bridges' this week focusing on making links to scenarios where resolving issues is needed and using Colissians Chapter 3, Verses 12 - 15, as a reference point to reflect on why it is important to building bridges with others.. Also, each class will be led in their Collective Worship session, focusing on 'Peace'. These sessions are planned and prepared by the children, whereby they choose the scriptures, stories, hymns and responding activities. 


Science: This week, we are continuing our work looking at 'Animals, including Humans' with a focus on practically understanding the digestive system, using many foods, pairs of tights and children observing the process, to deepen their understanding. Also, we will be looking to identify different teeth in humans, name them and then describe both orally and in written form, their functions. 


History: This week, we continue our learning journey to do with the Ancient Journey The children will be looking using many different sources of information, including artefacts, websites, information books, photographs and artwork, to find out about life in this ancient period. This is a key historical enquiry skill for the children to develop.


PE: This week, we are continuing our athletics unit, whereby the children will be looking at continuing to rehearse and improve their techniques and grasp of skills, in preparation for Sports Day and for some children the Borough Olympics.


Have a wonderful week!

Easter Production Rehearsals

French Revolution Homework

Times Tables and the Multiplication Check

This week we are practicing the 7 and 10 times table. Each week you will have a certain number of Garage games and Soundcheck games that need to be completed before you can play anything else. We do still expect you to log on 5 days a week for at least 10 minutes. Any games you play will also go towards the weekly Battle of The Bands. The more questions you get right, the more points you earn for your class!


The Multiplication Check will be administered during a 2 week period, starting Monday 5th June 2023. This isn't a test, so there isn't a minimum pass mark, it is just a check to determine if the children can recall their times tables fluently. They need to be able to answer any times table question in under 6 seconds. The Soundcheck mode on TTRockstars is most similar to how the test is set out, and how it will perform when we conduct the check.

