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Our photo frames we made in DT

Our new computing topic - Data bases. The children played Top Trumps today and learned the terminology 'fields', 'record' and 'data'.

Making the Queen's Soldiers out of modelling clay

Our science presentations

Making different shapes with our bodies in Art

Today we role-played a conversation between Leon and his friends from the book 'Leon and the Place Between'.

Reading 'The escape to Egypt' bible story Mathew 2:13-15 in Collective Worship this week.

Today we role-played the process of pollination.

Today we rolled a dice to create a tally chart. After creating a tally chart, we then drew bar charts for our math's display board.

Today we became photographers! We have been taking pictures for our book advert in Computing.

3H support you Ukraine!

Here we are role-playing a scene from our current English book 'The Tin Forest'.

We love reading in our book corner!

Today we had a class debate on whether we believe Moon Man should stay in jail or be released. The children came up with some excellent reasons for both sides of the argument! The children then produced a discussion text.

After our Ash Wednesday Service

World Book Day! Can you guess who we are?

Today we conducted an investigation into which material would be most suitable for a pair of curtains.

As you can see, the children were amazed by this investigation!

Today we had a class debate on whether we believe animals belong in a zoo or should be released into the wild. The children came up with lots of excellent reasons. They then produced a discussion text on this topic.

Today we role-played a conversation between two characters from our Power of Reading book - Into the Forest.

Using rods to help us in maths!

Today we used real shells to help us draw real life objects. We even tried to see if we could hear the waves crashing inside of a big shell!

This week we have been using dictionaries to expand our vocabulary!

Science topic 'Light and Shadows' investigations

Today we had a debate on whether the boy should go into the forest or go the long way to Grandma's house. He chose to go through the forest!

Today we sorted objects into light sources and non light sources.

Our christmas pneumatic models

Christmas jumper day

3H have had a very cheeky addition to our classroom this month...

This week in science we have been testing rocks to find the most durable and least permeable.

This week we sorted and classified a variety of rocks

Today we were news reporters!

Look at our volcanoes erupt!

Our volcano homework project
