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Week 3

This week, we are recapping the multiplication methods that we looked at in the Autumn term. There is a PowerPoint below that explains the methods step by step and shows you examples. This will help you to complete the worksheets. For each worksheet, you should work out the answers using the specified method on a scrap piece of paper. You must then type your answers onto your weekly word documentThis work is due in on Wednesday 29th April. 


Challenges explained below for week 3

Day 1- All 3 challenges do the same sheet. 

Day 2- Challenge 1 is pages 1 and 2. Challenge 2 is page 3. 

Day 3- Challenge 1 is *, challenge 2 is ** and challenge 3 is ***. 

Day 4- Challenge 1 is *, challenge 2 is ** and challenge 3 is ***. 

PowerPoint for week 3

Day 5's work is times table practise. You can do this by playing times table games (as shown to you at school), listening/ learning times table songs on YouTube or a method of your choice.