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Week 10

This week we are going to continue with 'Handa's Surprise'.


On Monday we would like you to taste some fruits and record what they taste like, look like and smell like. Maybe you could try something new or a fruit from the story. 

On Tuesday we would like you to draw a story map of 'Handa's Surprise'. You will need to draw pictures of the events that have taken place, making sure that they are in the correct order. You could also include some key words such as the name of the fruits that you have drawn.
For the rest of the week we would like you to use your story map to write your own version of the story. You don't need to write the story all in one day. Take your time over the next three days to make sure you have included all the animals, capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and had a good attempt at spelling.

Story writing