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Week 11

This work is to be completed and sent to your teacher by Wednesday 1st July. 



There is a National Oak Academy assembly presentation for this week  to understand the benefits of kindness, which is presented by HRH, Duchess of Cambridge. You might have seen parts of this assembly on the television news or on CBBC/Newsround.  

Science Learning 1


Last week, BBC Bitesize Daily produced an online lesson on 17th June on the digestive system and teeth, which you might like to look at this week to consolidate and support learning in previous lessons.  Please click on the website link below for the lesson to watch the videos and then do the quiz at the end to test your understanding.

Science Learning Focus 2

This is part of a two week scientific enquiry into tooth decay.  Please read the notes for Week 11 and Week 12 and then look at the PowerPoint attached.  Discuss any questions with a family member then complete the activity to make a prediction on decay ready for Week 12. 

RE Learning Focus 1 - Ordinary people who do extraordinary things Look at the PowerPoint and then complete the activity sheet

RE Learning Focus 2 - Pope Benedict XVI Big Assembly. Look at the PowerPoint and complete the mind map activity

History -  Learning Focus 1 

Look at the PowerPoint with further information about the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamum.  You will need to look at this before you do your English on Day 4 in case you wish to use any of the information.

Look at the PowerPoint, which gives you some background information on the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.  Answer the questions on the sheet.
To support Learning Focus 1, BBC Bitesize have online learning about Tutankhamum. Watch the video about the who Tutankhamun was, then learn about other Pharoahs such as Hapshepsut, before watching a video by Dan Cruinkshank, a famous historian adn TV presenter, on the discovery of the tomb.  Please stop after this and do not do the puzzle and mask, as we will be doing these next week in Week 12.