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Week 12

This work is to be completed and sent to your teacher for Wednesday 8th July.
Assembly - please look at this week's assembly presentation under the Assemblies folder

Science - Look at the lesson presentation about investigating tooth decay and complete the activity sheets 


Look back at Week 11 Presentation and prediction sheets already completed.    The eggs represent teeth and you will be using liquids to investigate what effect the liquids have on the eggs, just as they would on your teeth.     


Set up your equipment for your investigation (see notes on Week 11 for recommended liquids and all equipment needed) and record your observations each day on Sheet 1.  Remember to label each egg container with the liquid so you can identify which container has which liquid in after the 5 days. 


To avoid evaporation of your liquids by keeping your egg containers in a cool, dry place and away from young children or animals to avoid it being damaged. With the recent heatwave, you should keep any labelled egg containers with milk liquids in the fridge to avoid the milk spoiling (and smelling!).


After recording your observations for 5 days, complete the Sheet 2, which covers questions on what you discovered in your findings.     Finally, research some information on false teeth and complete sheet 3.


For an extra challenge, design a poster all about tooth decay and how to protect your teeth.

30.6.20 Here are our photographs for our egg enquiry in school that you can look at to complete your enquiry for this week. Photographs will be added each day.

RE 1 - Learning Focus 3 - The life of Oscar Romero - a recent martyr showing us what God is like.


Look at the presentation on the life of Oscar Romero.  Watch the animation video on his life on the video link. Look at the second presentation about the Romero crosses and then design a cross yourself as a memorial to him.

RE 2 -  Learning Focus 4 - An ordinary person showing us what God is like


Look at the presentation and complete the task to create a mindmap of 'Our Gifts'

History - Discovering the treasures of Tutankhamun 


Look at the presentation and complete the activity sheet to identify and describe some of the artefacts found.


Complete task 2 on the presentation to choose one artefact and describe it to show why you think it was placed in the tomb and what importance it had to Tutankhamun.  You can also draw or sketch the item.


Task 3 is to colour a Tutankhamum mask, thinking carefully about the colours used and why they were used