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St Peter

St Peter the Apostle


Saint Peter, also known as Simon, met Jesus while he was a fisher (according to the Gospel of Luke). 

During the Last Supper, it was Peter who initially refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet. When Jesus responded with, 'If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me,' Peter replied, 'Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head.' (John 13:2-11). 

It is in the Gospel according to John that Peter is mentioned as the companion who cut off the ear of a servant of the High Priest of Israel during Jesus' arrest. 

Both the Gospels and the Acts portray Peter as being the most prominent apostle. This is despite Peter denying Jesus three times at the time of his crucifixion. 

Peter is believed to have been the first person to enter the empty tomb, as well as being one of the people Jesus appeared to when he was resurrected (Gospel of John). 

After this appearance, Peter took leadership of a group of early followers of Jesus. 

Saint Peter is believed to have been the first bishop of Rome. Even today, the Pope, the bishop of Rome, is described as being the successor of Saint Peter.

The feast of Saints Peter and Paul is celebrated on 29th June.

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