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Welcome to Early Years!


Our teachers are Mrs Brind, Mr Heydon and Mrs Charidza. We are supported by Mrs Jachym, Mrs Hort and Mrs Sturgess


We enjoy learning through practical play and exploration. Check out the links below to see what we have been learning about recently.

How to get Bug Club to work on iPhone and iPads Instructions:

Go to Settings  

Scroll down to Safari

Find and untick 'prevent cross-site tracking'

Home Learning and Homework 

Please upload any pictures of your child’s work to Evidence Me.

If you have any questions about the work please contact your respective teacher using the emails provided on our home learning page. The EYFS team will be more than happy to provide help and feedback to help your child get the most out of the activities.


We have purchased 'Bug Club' which is an online Reading Scheme. Your child has their own username and password that will give them access to some books (this will be sent via 'Evidence Me'). This will be monitored by your class teacher. We would like to receive videos of your child reading (they can read a physical book instead if they wish) via 'Evidence Me' on a Monday and Thursday.

Please note that the username and password for bug club are case sensitive and should all be lower case. When you access the book, please click on the 'bug'  that appears on some of the pages. This will ask your child questions about the story. Thank you.


If you are having difficulty accessing 'Evidence Me' or if you can not complete the work on paper or electronically, please email your respective teacher so that we can provide assistance. Here is the link for parent help for Evidence Me.



Please continue to read the books on Bug Club. Remember to press on the 'Bug' to answer the questions. 


We would love for the children to continue saying their prayers throughout the day, both the school prayers and their own. Videos of the children praying can be uploaded to Evidence Me. Thank you. 

                                                    Week beginning 12th July 2021

RE Activity - This week we will be continuing our topic 'Our World'. We will be thinking of countries that are special to us and why. Please talk about the special countries you have been to with your child. 

We will also be thinking about our different countries of origin and why they are special to us.  You may talk to your child about England and any other countries that are special to you. You could show your child where that special country is on the globe or map. You may talk about the colours on the flags of the countries you have chosen etc.  Thank you.


PSHE/Art/Music Activities: These will be linked to the story Handa's Surprise and the topic The World. The children will learn about life in Africa. Each class will focus on a different country and the children will be given opportunities to share what they will have learnt. RC will learn about Zimbabwe. RH will focus on Nigeria and RB will study Kenya. The children will learn about and explore African patterns, games, music, schools, and worship. You may choose a different country to focus on at home so that you may compare and contrast the aspects that will have been covered.

Can you teach your child an African song, dance, or game?


Reading activity - This week we will be reading Handa's Surprise. Please enjoy reading this at home. This week we will be telling our own version of the story.

Writing activity - We will be practising using finger spaces and the correct letters for the sounds that we need in sentence writing. Please practise this at home, ensuring that their sentence makes sense.


Phonics activity - The children will receive a book to read via Oxford Owls or a hard copy will be provided for the book they are reading. (a letter has been sent out via ParentMail regarding logging in - however, it is the same username and password as Bug Club and hp1 as the school code. You need to enter via School and then Student). Please ensure that your child reads to you every day. The children should also be reading a book on Bug Club. Your child will also be sent home a book for enjoyment. This is for you to read with your child. 


Maths activity - The children will be focusing on Halving. They will make halves of whole fruits and shapes. They will compare cut pieces and say if they are halves or not and why. Please help them to use different resources around the house to practise these skills. Please feel free to record what they will be doing at home and upload it on Evidence Me. 


Physical activity - The children will have access to bats and balls, hoops, the adventure playground and bikes.

We will also develop our skills of bouncing, throwing and catching in pairs and groups of three using different size balls. 

- What have we been up to? Week beginning 28th June 2021. We have been learning to double numbers to 10.

Screen Break Day

As we continue to enjoy learning,


We used the following phrases to remember how to form the letters:



m    Maisie, mountain, mountain

a     round the apple, down the leaf

s     slither down the snake round his bottom,

d     up his tall neck and down to his feet

t      down the tower, across the tower

i      down the body, dot for the head

n     down Nobby, over his net

p     down the plait and over the pirates face

g     round her face, down her hair and give her a curl

o     all around the orange

c     curl around the caterpillar

k     down the kangaroo’s body tail and leg

u     down and under, up to the top and draw the puddle

b     down the laces to the heel and around the toe

f      down the stem and draw the leaves

e     lift off the top and scoop out the egg

l      down the long leg

h     down the head, to the hooves and over his back

sh   slither down the snake, down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back

r     down the robots back and curl over his arm

j     down his body, curl, dot for his head

v    down a wing, up a wing

y    down a horn, up a horn and under head

w   down, up, down, up

th   down the tower, across the tower, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back

z    zig-zag-zig

ch  the horse sneezes when the caterpillar's hairs get up his nose

qu  round her head, up past her earring, down her hair, and flick

x    down the arm and leg, repeat the other side

ng  a thing on a string

nk  I think I stink


Please help your child to learn the sound and form the letter. They could practise forming the letters in water, sand, mud, on your back, on their palm etc. They could write it on paper, use their finger on the carpet or a paintbrush. It is very important that they learn how to form the letter correctly and how to say the sound. You could use 'Mr Thorne does phonics' on YouTube as a way of hearing the correct pronunciation.

Please also help your child to hold the pencil properly. Here is a picture of how your child should be holding a pencil:



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Here is a video clip to support letter formation: