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Year 1

~ Welcome to Year 1 ~ 


Your Teachers are: Mrs Brind (1B, Year Group Leader), Miss Kemi (1V) and Miss Gander (1G). We are supported by Mrs Sutiene, Mrs Hadley, Mrs Cantwell, Mrs Mensah, Mrs Woods and Mrs Perry. Our HTLA and further support is Mrs Auvache.


Expectations for Year 1

Reading of your Phonics book, 5 times per week and signing your reading record to reflect this.   It is important to support your child with daily reading as this has a huge impact on their understanding, imagination, creativity and learning across all subjects. In Year 1, it is important to also read to your child books that maybe beyond their reading level-the children will take home a reading for pleasure book, which they choose for themselves.   

The children should be practising their sound recognition daily by speed reading the sounds in their Phonic book. Please ask your child what sound they have learnt every day. 

Please also ensure that you are accessing Bug Club and Oxford Owls daily.

Homework is set on a Friday each week and is due in the following Wednesday. Homework will normally be set on SeeSaw, but there will be some worksheets provided too. Homework must be completed and returned. Occasionally, children may be asked to bring in photos for our RE topics. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Brind, Miss Kemi and Miss Gander

Deacon Matus visit