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Severe Weather Procedure

Once again as we find ourselves at a time of year when severe weather is more likely and forecasts are regularly mentioning snow in their bulletins, it is a good opportunity to remind you of the following arrangements that apply throughout the winter. You may find it helpful to keep this letter for future reference.


The school will be kept open if at all possible. Snow does not necessarily mean closure!


If you have recently changed your mobile phone number, or have not informed us of the number, please do so as soon as possible.


In the event of a school closure, parents and staff will be sent a parentmail message informing them of this. Details will also be added to the ‘Scrolling Bar’ on the homepage of the School website:


The decision as to whether or not to close the school is based on a number of factors including:

  • site conditions at the school and the ability to make these safe for children and adults
  • the number of staff who are unable to get into school due to road conditions
  • local weather conditions and future forecasts
  • health and safety advice received


We will always do our best to keep the school open and apologise in advance if it is not possible to do this - the decision to close the school is never taken easily.


Kind regards,

Mrs M Ward

Head of School
